Building an insecticide for a tank factory

Mojtaba Kamarlouei
3 min readJan 9, 2020


I would like to tell you a story about a problem that most of us faced with it during the early stage of developing our ideas. If you have ever thought that the giant companies in your area might be your killing competitors, or you are suspicious if there is any place for you to compete in the market, you may find this article interesting.

Our story starts with a troop that wants to attack an specific target enemy and they need to buy tanks for their mission. They have no idea on who sells the tank and how they can buy it. They may search in google <best best best tank factory in the world> and they find the most known tank factory somewhere in our imaginary world. Well, they have money, they pay and they order the tanks. The next week the tank cargo arrives with heavy armed devices and most advanced technologies. Lets do the mission then!

Figure 1. The Imaginary LEGO world of this story

Our troop drives the tanks to the enemy land and there they see the war is not like what they read in the books. The one who has the most advanced technology may also lose the war. Suddenly, they found themselves in a land with vast bogs full of mosquitoes, harsh ones. Now, commanders know that passing the bog takes one day but at the end of the day all the troop will be sick and frustrated and the enemy can finish their job much simpler that they thought.

The commanders tried to call the tank factory for a solution: “Do you have a solution for killing mosquitoes?”. The salesman in the tank factory said: “no, we have very advanced tanks that we already sold you. Do you need more of them?”. He also added: “for the further information about how to kill mosquitoes with tanks, please call our support center. We have a 24/7 support services available for our loyal costumers with a very small monthly fee.”.

True… But this is not the end of the story…

Imagine the commanders are so stupid and they call the technical support. Since there is no solution in the tank factory to solve this issue, the product developers must invent and produce it ASAP. Otherwise, their loyal stupid costumer including future potential stupids will never trust them, stupidly. This production must be first discussed with CEO, then CTO, then CFO, then COO, then CXO… Oh my GOD! it may take weeks or months to find a solution.

Let’s imagine there is a smart CTO in the tank factory that googles <insecticide for military use>.

Figure 2. Smart CTO of the tank factory found your solution on google.

This is the moment!

This is the moment that your solution must be there. A user friendly insecticide integrated for tanks…

A very well described technology;
A well matching team of experts (right people);
Some pilot results and traction;
In a nice and interactive website
All and all integrated.

Yes, you knew this by heart that a tank factory may not produce this product as focused and adequately as you can do it. “Welcome onboard”, the CTO of tank factory said. The next day, our troop won the war and boom… your solution found its way to the worldwide market.

The real winners and heroes of our story are not the tank factory, commanders, troop, or mosquitoes. The winner is you who believed the problem and the solution, validated them and defined your vision and mission in the right direction. Things that many others failed to do it.

Of course, this story is just based on an imaginary and ideal world and in 99.9 % of the cases in your realistic mind this may not happen at all. But as a conclusion, I would like to ask you to review the real story of fitbit and start dreaming with your disruptive idea.

